Monday, June 13, 2011

Want to know how boring my life can be?

Hey everyone. Want to hear about my boring day? Well if you do, and some how you aren't my mom, I am creating another blog where I will just talk about my day. The truly interesting things will still get put up on this blog, but because I love blogging so much and I'm not gifted enough to have a interesting life day in and day out, I am creating a blog that is just my boring day. Things are always slightly interesting; I mean I have an interesting life most of the time. But I can't be interesting 100% of the time or keep interesting enough to not repeat, so I have this new boring blog for my daily drag.

Now that you know why I made it, here's how I got the name. Every dinner, my mom wants "3 minutes of eye contact and to hear about our days." The name I chose was "your 3 minutes" as a joke of that. I will need to give it to her for a mothers day gift or something when I go off to college. Well if you're interested at all, here's the link.

This is all so I can keep this blog interesting, and I will probably post crazy amounts of product placement and ads too. Later everyone. And remember, keep it interesting.

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