Friday, June 3, 2011

Graduation and the all night party

I should be sleeping now, but my free running circadian cycle is compleatly screwed up due to social entrainment. For those of you who don't know psycology, that means that I'm tired but because it's day when I'm normally awake, I can't sleep. So now I'll get to the fun part, my graduation ceromony and the senior all night party.

Lets start with the first, getting ready for the graduation ceromony. Because my brother is in the band, he has to play at graduation and gets in free. That means I didn't have to get extra tickets for my family since they give us 4 free tickets and the only ones that needed tickets were my parents and gradnparents. I did buy extra tickets for my friends because at ticket pick up you were only able to get 4 extra at the time then have to come back for the rest. Look back a couple of blogs, you can read more about that at the graduation practice post. My parents to save money are going to try to get my brother to wear my cap and gown his graduation. He'll just have to swap out the tassles so they're 2013 and not 2011. He'd be fine with it if they are able, and joking around they said I could wear mine and get in free if the material is verry divverent or it doesn't fit. Tickets are $3 and we aren't that stingy, just funny.

So now we're looking at the graduation its self. I get showered, and mom told me NOT to put my hat on afterwards. Why, so I don't get hat hair for my ceromony. But I wear the mortarboard hat with the tassles so I'm going to get hat hair anyways, and no pictures are taken without the hat, so I fail to see the logic. Whatever, it happened and my mom doesn't ask for much so I humored her. So I get dresses, in my black slacks, white shirt, pokemon tie, and safetyvest. Yes I wore the safety vest under the gown. Don't believe me check out this picture.

People that knew me well were wondering if I would, and I did. So being in a family of picture happy people, we spent probably 45 minutes or so taking pictures at my house. Here's just one, I don't really feel like showing all them here.
To see more, go to my myspace HERE.
We get in our van and procede to the place where the ceromony is. Since I was with my parents and especially my grandparents, it was a bit of a crazy ride up there; with my grandparents asking so many questions with few questions actually being answered. Oh well. So we get there 30 minutes early because we accounted for trafic, which there wasn't much. Because my grandma has such bad arthritis, she has a handycap sticker so we were able to park in the vip/handycap area. I saw a few of my friends while we were waiting for them to open the gates. More pictures, but this time I had my motarboard tilted to the right in similar fassion as when I wear my hat. My hat is alwayse tilted to the right. Here's one with tilted.

It's a little hard to really see, but it is tilted. For more pictures, myspace HERE. We get in and I meet up with my friends for some group shots, all of which are up on my myspace. I line up and get ready to go in. Let me just say this first, the tassles liked to get in my mouth and once they got in my eye, ouch.

We walk in and take our seets. Being a first row isle seat was great. As my friends who were in choir, orchestra, or symphonic band were going onto the stage so they could play with them, I would hold my hand out for a high 5 or what they dicided to give. I got many hand shakes, bro shakes, and high 5s. We hear speaches, the band, the orchestra and the choir. All of them were really good. My friend who won the senior speach contest did a great job. I entered but I didn't win, probably because I did nothing but reminis on past times and my own experiences, and wasn't serious at all. I'll probably film mine and make it a video. After all that it was time for diploma presentation. Instead of trying to tell you everything, a pictures worth a thousand words, and a video is 24 pictures a second.
My digital camera doesn't record sound so there's nothing wrong with your speakers or conection. I was the only student to give the president of the school board a hug after recieving my diploma. I did that because we were told to not draw a lot of attention to ourselves when getting our diplomas. But I am most unforgettable and love to be a ham, hugging instead of handshake was the perfect sollution. And aparently the president is leaving so I was the only one to give a hug to our outgoing president. On my way across the stage I accedently dropped my diploma, again only one to do that, but that atention draw was unintended. After the diploma presentation we did the ceremonial moving of the tassles from the right to the left. I was one of the kids that threw his hat up afterwards, but I was smart and lucky. Being first row I had a big empty space infront of me, so I threw in that general direction. I also didn't throw very high, so I was able to keep track easily and get mine right afterwards. We then proceded out, where I got more pictures with friends and teachers afterwards. I met up with my family and my girlfriend's family where we took some more photos. We then went home where I changed and got ready for the all night party.

Now I know what you might be thinking, but the all night party isn't like most parties. This one is shool sponcored, helled in the school athetic wing, and isn't full of drugs and achohol. It was still increadibly fun. I'll go in order of happening. First my friends and I did the bounce house things. The first one was the bungie races. Again, I got a first person perspective of me doing it.

Bungie Races First person perspective - The best home videos are here
Really fun. After that I did this thing where it was like soccer, dogeball, and basketball, all in a bounce house. No video from that because I didn't want to damage my camera. It was cool. We even had to wear these soft helmet things. They were similar to the helmet things wreselers wear. After that my girlfriend, best friend, and I made this video thing where we dance on a green screen to a song we choose using a digital background we choose. Afterwards we get a copy on dvd. Due to copyright, I may or may not upload it. It all depends if it will get through the censors on my ccpandhgviolatecopyright on dailymotion or if it is alowed on youtube with ads and stuff. It was cool because my safety vest made me vanish. I then made the others vanish as well. I swam with my girlfriend and some of her friends shortly after that. I did that for about 30 minutes, then got bord and went back out to the party. They had these casino games set up and we got a bag of chips. I played rulet, beet the dealer dice, and back jack. I did ok I guess. I didn't play much though. I did the cupid shuffle and the cha cha slide shortly afterwards. I got caricatures, one of just me and one of my girlfriend and I. I need to wait on the other but here's the just me one.

Funny stuff. Darkened optimist, aka my girlfriend, and I did this flipnote thing. I wish I could show it to you but I don't really know how to upload it. We actually spent a lot of time together at the all night party. There was this wishes wall where family and friends could write you one befor hand and it would get posted. We got to keep them afterwards. There were raffles for some good things, and entry was coming to the party. I unfortunately didn't win anything, but darkenedoptimist won an ipod shuffle. Now you may be wondering, with all this stuff, where do we put it? Well to keep from having to carry it around all night, we all got these duffle bags where we checked all our stuff and they were kept by the door. I went there many times. There was this wall where we got to see each other from elementary school year books. I saw a bunch of my friends from kindergarten to 5th grade. I changed a lot, mainly due to my beird.

Now the hypnotist deserves his own paragraph. Now hypnotism is a real science, but the extent to which some people believe is just superstition. This was sciencey. It was cool, while the vast majority was 11 lucky people doing most of the funny things, he was able to get the entire group to do some cool little things, but it didn't work well for me, to which I blame my ADHD. Hypnotism is just accesing the subconcious while quieting the concious, but my suconcious is weird. We looked at a hypno disk and the hypnotist told us to focus on it while thinking about a balloon inflating. After the hypnodisk and hearing and imaginig the balloon, we were then instructed to look at his head. His head was supposed to inflate, but for me it was kind of flunctuating by getting bigger then smaller. Weird. Then there was the mind reading, of which I say it's a magic trick and reading body language. I'm not a believer in mind reading, so there. Then there was more group hypnotism, where we like imagined our fingers being tied together by twist ties and rubber bands. Now for most that worked, because we were supposed to try to separate them but then we couldn't sort of thing. But my subconious put a splint or separater and they stayed separated. Then there was a ting where we were supposed to invision having our left wrist tied to many helium balloons and our right hand holding many books. I did that, and many people had their left arm up in the air and their right arm on the ground, but for some reason my books were increadibly light and high up and my left was heavy, tired, and on the ground. I think my subconcious was compensating for the lack of needing to hold up but then my left arm got really heavy because there weren't any balloons in actuallity and my right arm got really light because I was holding up the books, but with no books I raised my arm because it was so light. There was another relaxing thing where we were supposed to invision a candle, but one lone candle is to calm for my ADHD mind, so I kept invisioning many firework fuses. I tried the candle, but with the concious off, the subconcious has the power, and the subconcious wanted fuses. We were then supposed to invision stress melting away, but the only thing melting away was the color from my body and clotes making me balck and white. Our mind was supposed to go blank after the melting, but my subconcious wanted to play donkey kong, and thus I did, on an arcade cabenet as well. We were told when we come out of it we will be fully allert and not tired at all. I was that befor hand, and if anything I felt tirder. Something screwy going on. Well the last thing to decide if we were able to be funny up on the main stage area, was to imaginary super glue our hands toghether and we weren't able to pull apart until released. It kind of worked, but my subconcious said "no, you are hulk, you can pull them apart." I felt the togetherness, but I was able to pull them apart. I then checked my shirt to make sure I didn't rip it while hulking out. I really thought I ripped it. Darkenedoptimist was stuck, and she got hypnotised infront of everyone. She wasn't the funniest, but still prety funny. She bacame 4 years old and thought her bellybutton was stollen and other stuff. Nothing like believing that you are 4 agian I guess, but true age regression is a myth as I learned in psycology. She didn't remember anything, like many fully hypnotised people, so it was up to us, meening her friends and I, to tell her the funny things she did.

Well after the hypnotist show, it was time to say bye to everyone. I did, and got my bag. Fun time. Stupid internal clocks, I want to sleep. But later.
notes while typing: wow I'm tired, mmmmm ramen, my eye is still hearting from the tassle in my eye,

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