Well today was eventful, kind of. I'm going on a family trip to my relatives down south. I'll tell you about the entire time, but due to possible inaccess to a computer, it may not be posted the day that I write it. I'm writing this on my Nintendo dsixl using the Nintendo ds web browser using my hotmail. I write it on hotmail, because of my 3 emails, it's the only one that will load. I then send it to my gmail or drafts in blogger. I don't post immediately because I want to spell check.
Well onto the day. We packed our minivan to the gills, half of which was snacks provided by my grandparents. We have a DVD player in our van so my cousin and I watched tomb raider cradle of life
family vacation day 2
OK, today is day 2. But let me tell you about the night before. My grandparents love stories, and when we were all trying to go to bed, they were telling us stories.
Well now for the actual day. We all pack up and set out. It was raining incredibly hard. It was flooding in some places. We went to an awesome video game store that we stop at every time. They have both new, AND OLD, games. And when I say old, I'm talking nes and later. I bought A Bugs Life for Play Station
Well we arrive, and things are weird. I have 3 girl cousins, 1 boy cousin, and they all wanted to talk to my girlfriend. Boy cousin starts asking awkward question, girl cousins are crazy, and utter hilarity happened. It was quite funny. At one point, I was the conversation messenger between everyone. GF says something, transfer to cousins. Cousins say something, relay to GF. Tomorrow we're going to holiday world. You'll hear about that tomorrow. I'm tired and going to shower and sleep. Bye.
family vacation day 3
Day 3 and boy am I tired. Before I talk about my day at the amusement park, let me tell you this crazy thing about my cousins shower. OK, I get that she's a girl, but do you really need 20 different soaps and stuff? My shower consists of a bar of soap and shampoo. That's really all you need.
Well now to talk about the amusement park. We went to a place called Holiday World in Santa Clause Indiana. The place is amazing. It has free pop, or soda for you southerners. No shit, FREE POP!!! Sure beats $5 for a bottle of water. There are great rides, and plenty of good shows. Another great thing is access to both parks. If you live in Indiana, or are going there, I highly recommend Holiday World.
But today rained. That sucked. We started out in the water park this year, and that was OK. Rain in swim trunks works fine. But I'm a fan of the rides and not water rides. I was there for about 2 hours or so. But after riding some rides, it started to down pour. I would have left with my uncle, brother, and cousin, but I had a key to my locker for the swim stuff. Let me tell you about the key. My brother and I were sharing an amusement park lockers for our clothes and stuff. Well after we were done swimming, we decided to return the key and get the deposit. But then mom made me go over and beg for the key back. Thankfully enough, they gave it back. The staff is also incredibly friendly.
So it rains, and I wait it out. I go on many rides, and then watch the diving show. It was a good day. Everyone should go to Holiday world. If not for the good prices and fun rides, for the free pop. Well I need to end it here. I've been taking many pictures of there cats in search for the perfect lolcat. Later.
day 4
Day 4, I haven't been on a computer except to fix my aunts today. More on that later. I can't access my personal email because it wont load on my ds. I am forgetting what it's like to type with my fingers instead of pecking. Depressing mission log over. Time for fun blog.
Well I woke up earlier than everyone today. Wouldn't be a problem, but it was a good 3 hours before everyone woke up and everyone was asleep in a room with the only T.V.s. I can only make my backpack o fun and a book work for so long. I went stir crazy.
Well now for fun stuff. Today I went to one of the last restaurants to have brain sandwiches. You heard me right, brain sandwich. Deep fried pig brain on a bun with pickles. I love them but they aren't for everyone. Here are the pictures.
I also went duzing with my Uncle Duz. Since it isn't his real name, I'll use what we all call him. We weren't able to go dumpster diving because it wasn't Sunday, but we had fun looking at all that he picked. It's amazing what people throw out. I took a bunch of pictures of the stuff, and plan to send them to American Pickers. They're doing this contest where if you send in a video of your stuff, they may come and pick you. Here are pictures of what I found.
(Awesomeness to much for this blog. Just wait for when the American pickers come and we're on TV.)
Then we had a firework show tonight. It was really fun, especially since we can't do them back home. I lit off many, and so did my brother. We had like $100 of buy one get 2 free fireworks. It was a really good show.
Now earlier I mentioned that my aunt's lap top had a virus. It took my cousin, my uncle, and me to fix it. I diagnosed the problem and found no solution in sight. My cousin found a way to fix it, and my uncle found the way to get the Internet to work on all wireless signals. It takes a family to fix a computer. I should shower and go to bed now. Later.
day...I forget
As the title implies, I have forgotten what day of this journey is. Since I can't go back to blogs, just go with it.
Well today was our last day with the relatives. Yesterday night we watched boomerang until 12 midnight, which for me equates to 1 am. We watched Jonny Quest
Well today I woke up at the same time as my brother and cousin and we watched T.V. We packed up once everyone else got up and moving. We left after our good byes. Oh, but before the leaving, we went to this amazing Chinese buffet. It had the best steak and teriaky beef I ever had buffet wise. Actually best teriaky beef ever. They also had this chocolate fountain. It was an amazing buffet, and clean and large too. The crazy buffet was the name.
Please pardon my jumpiness, but it was a long week and I miss my bed. Well tonight we're staying in this really nice best western. The room key is this like radio wave thing like at the flash your card at the check out. No magnetic swipe strip. This one isn't just going in the collection with the rest. It also has this really nice breakfast as it would seem. It also has an expensive coffee maker in the room. Here's a picture.
There was also a really nice pool. I looked at it, but didn't swim. Why didn't I swim? Because I'm not a big fan of swimming. I'm also quite tired so I wouldn't have had much fun anyways. I'm content to just blog and watch the season premier of Futurama on Comedy Central. I'm glad Viacom bought it since Turner doesn't know a good show when they have one. I'll get this posted when I get home. Later.
Day 6
Well I'm home. My copy of banjo kazooi and A bugs life for PlayStation work. Probably should clean my banjo game and rumble pack. Oh, and I'm on my lap top. Glad I'm home.
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