Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am a comedian

Hey everyone, today was the big day, the day of the talent show. I entered and did a comedy routine.

Here's some back story. I'm a funny guy. I have ADHD. I get great jokes, but forget them. I recently started keeping a notebook on me so when I thought of one I can write it down to remember later. I had a ton of jokes, but some were better than others, and they were all over the place. I narrowed it down to my college jokes. Not many, just 5. I could go on trying to describe it, but I recorded it. So for your viewing pleasure, I present you with "Comedy is my Tallent."

Prety funny huh? Be on the look out for behind the scenes and other bonus material. I'll find out if I won or placed soon. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and "bu-bye."

This was a short post. This is almost ccpandhgvideos. Wow.

UPDATE: I didn't win, but that doesn't mean anything. I saw a comedian on comedy central that was beat by this guy in last comic standing, but the winner wasn't the one with the comedy central special. I recorded it, and put it on the web. I could be big.

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