First I went to walmart. Walmart is cool at black Friday. If you get there early enough, they let you in early. All the sale stuff on sale is shrink wrapped and is opened at the time of the sale. This year they had cardboard covering up the DVDs so we couldn't see the titles. We were alowed to peek though, but it barely helped. It just let us know if they were blu ray or dvd, or movie or tv series. I was after the big bang theory, seasons 1
I had my 1 friend come with me, but he was going to be dropped off by his dad. His dad didn't undersand that at walmart they let you in early if you get there early enough. I told him to get there early enough, but no. Oh well, he had to wait outside. We were done soon, so then we picked him up, and went to best buy.
Best buy made us wait outside. It was a really long line. It was aslo cold, really cold. We kept entertained by doing really weird things. We kept warm by bobing in a circle. It was kind of like these guys.
Yeah it was fun. I didn't buy anything at best buy, but my brother and friend did. I was going to do kmart, but I fell asleep at home. Oh well. This has been Pokematic signing off and bu-bye.
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