11/23/11 first day home
It was great. I slept on the futon last night and my mom woke me up with her text. I gathered all my stuff, and piled it into the van. Funny thing, I ran out of clean clothed when it was time to come home for a visit. The drive home was good. I reconnected with my family, well mom and brother. They're the ones who picked me up.
I came home, popped in bad fur day to see if it worked, and it did. Then my grandparents took my brother and I out to lunch. We were going to go to this Chinese buffet that my brother and I went to nearly every single weekend, but unfortunately it was closed. We went to Big Boy instead.
I was going to have my hair cut, but the line was to long. So I'm going to get it cut on Friday. I did run into some old high school friends there. That was cool. We chatted some but then I left because I had a prior engagement. Well after I left I saw a scout mom drive by, and also saw a guy I know from scouts. As I was walking home, I couldn't help but feel like I'm home. It feels so good to be home.
I had the chiropractor. My back has been causing me some issues, so I saw our family chiropractor. Apparently my back isn't all that messed up. Oh well, had it aligned anyway. I feel better after it.
For dinner my grandparents came over and we had really good roast beef. But not just beef, broccoli, how I like it. Then we celebrated my mom's birthday.
Now for the really fun part. My best friend zeldamaster93 came over. Me, him, and max were going to hang out on Saturday, but I'll explain why we couldn't on Saturday. Well he came over and we played Bad Fur Day. It was quite fun. Until tomorrow.
11/24/11 thanks giving
I slept in my own bed. That felt so good. I slept in silence. Oh how I missed silence. I ate a chocolate muffin, 3 strips of premade Bacon, and whole milk. That was so good.
So here's what happened. We had thanks giving at my aunts house with my grandparents. On the way there my brother and I watched An American Carol
Now for the fun dinner, or should I say liner. The turkey was done early. We ate early because of that. I am not a fan of turkey, so I had B Beef. I call it B beef because our last name starts with a B and we call her Grandma B. Her beef is amazing. I loved it, and it was good home cooked food. I then dipped my grandpa's home made bread in the gravy, so amazing.
Here's something that was funny that happened. My grandma has a hearing aid, and it was giving her feed back. Well at that moment I sneezed. She told her hearing aid to "shut up." I knew she was talking to her hearing aid, but I couldn't help myself in saying "it's not my fault I sneezed." That got a laugh.
Once I got home, I looked through the black Friday circulars for black Friday. For the full story, read up on my blog on it at the Pokematic's blog. (It's the post below it). Later
11/25/11 black Friday
I slept until maybe 11. I dreamed something about my right calf hurting. Turns out it is hurting in real life. I got up and had a muffin and 3 strips of bacon. I used to have that every morning. It was so good to finally have it again.
I went and got my hair cut. That was good seeing as how it was getting long and a hassle. There's a barber near my college, but they just aren't my barber. I talked with him college and how good it is to be home. I still have most of the pink.
When I was walking home from the barber, I ran into one of my neighbors who was out in his yard. My home town is an old school, "white picket fence," everyone knows each other kind of neighborhood. I talked with him and it was cool catching up with him and talking about college. It's great being home.
I went to the chiropractor. Got my back cracked.
So this was fun. I hung out with one of my old high school friends. We went to see the Muppets movie. We had time to catch up on the way there and waiting for the movie to start. This was cool, I ran into some guys I know from high school working at the theater. One of them, whom I know better than the other, was working the tickets. While he was taking my money and waiting for the ticket to print, I asked him how life was and he asked me how life was. There wasn't a whole lot of time to catch up, so it wasn't a long reunion. My friend I went to see the Muppet movie with found it funny, but she thought it was cheesy. I told her, "but that's the Muppets." I might do a full review on it when I have some free time, but here's a short. It's the Muppets, need I say more. There was jokes to the original movie and the TV show that people who were familiar with them would find funny. In fact there were a bunch of older adults, like my mom's age, that went to see it because they remember the original, I assume.
My friends dad bought a signal switch for RCA signals. I was the one that told him about it so he came to me when I dropped my friend off when he couldn't figure it out. I set it up and told him how to use it. All I have to say is "it felt good to fix someone else's tech problem since my grandpa doesn't have the troubles he used to have with his TV. I wrote him a troubleshooting guide, but it made me feel needed, not just wanted. My family always wants me, but it feels good to feel needed.
Since it's still black Friday, my brother and I decided to go to game stop because we weren't able to make it at 5 am today when it opened. I wasn't sure if they'd still have it, but they still had the promotional, $20 off sonic generations. I love sonic, like the original sonics, which this has with modern graphics, and then there's the modern, like the day levels of unleashed, and the wii version of colors. I am so looking forward to Christmas. I'm glad they still had them. Later.
11/26/11 Bar Mitzvah
Mavel Tov. I went to my first ever Bar Mitzvah. Because it was my first, I was able to use it for a cultural event. As an honors student I need to get these cultural events. It was quite fun.
For starters, I didn't understand anything. It's all in Hebrew, and I don't speak Hebrew. I picked up that we need to stand when the ark is open and sit when it's closed. Their chanting is cool as well. I wonder if it's comparable to our singing. They had books that gave the Hebrew words in roman characters. I think they're kind of equivalent to Hymnals. It was cool seeing my scout friends up there saying the prayers and reading, even though I had no idea what they were saying.
Now for the really fun part. I had to wear a kippah, or yarmulke in Yiddish. It had musical notes on it and my friend's name on the inside. It kept falling off, and so did my dad's and brother's. My brother kept making jokes about how our family was a bunch of gentiles. Yeah it was funny. There was the fun thing where we throw candy at the new man to wish him sweet future, or sweet something good. It was fun pelting the new man with Hershey kisses. I also ran into an old friend from high school. He's a year older than me, so I haven't seen him in a real long time. It was cool seeing him. We did some catch up, but weren't able to do much.
After the ceremony, I went to zeldamaster93's house and we watched X2 - X-Men United
Before I went to the party after the ceremony, I saw my god father, his family, and camping friends. We didn't stay long because we had to get to the bar mitzvah party. I caught up with some scout friends and tried rock climbing. It was fun, but since I have no upper body strength, I didn't get up far. They had peperoni pizza and other things, but the really surprising thing for me was the peperoni pizza at a bar mitzvah. Something about mixing a Jewish boy becoming a man, and pork just doesn't seem to match up. There is this candle lighting ceremony for all the Bar Mitzvah man's family and organizations to be there with him lighting candles. I asked his brother in a joking matter "I thought there were 8 candles" as a joke to Hanukkah. He said something like "it changes with seasons, sometimes there's 8 sometimes there's 12." I didn't expect to be a part of the ceremony, but they called up all scouts. I them went up to say congratulations.
Now for the really fun part, the chair dance to Hava Nagila, as is customary. The new man was a bit scared, but it was really fun. I asked his parents, and him "so when are we going to do the chair dance?" The new man was nervous, his mom was indifferent, and his dad said "we need to get on that." Well we put him on a folding chair, and all his friends picked him up all to Hava Nagila. The chair collapsed on our hands once, but we all turned out fine. The guy almost fell off, so then I took it on myself to make sure I pushed him back onto the chair. We left shortly after that. They had a picture to sign, so I said, "Mazeltov ya Schmuck, JK [Pokematic]."
My god father and his family staid over at our house. More about that in tomorrow's blog. Later.
11/27/11 Back to the Grind Stone
Well it's over, vacation is over. Before I get into the unpacking and whatnot, let me talk aut the fun I had on my last morning home.
My brother woke me up so I could spend some time with my god father and his family. It was nice to spend some time with them. I watched Olive the Other Reindeer
I packed up, loaded up, and went on my way. Darkenedoptomist was going to see me off, but she was unable to. Oh well, said by to my brother and mom, and was on my way. My dad drove me up. I worked on my oral report the entire way up. I did almost all of it in that 3 hour car ride. I'll practice and revise it tomorrow. Today I'll put in the video and pictures. Hopefully I can get the clip I need from spongebob... I tried but can't. If I have time I'll pull up the full video and find it.
Well we pulled everything up and it took 2 trips. I had to make 2 trips. We got all my stuff in my room. I said bye to Dad and started unpacking. I started at about 2 and finished at about 5, and my dad got home at about 6. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to drive home normally, but took us about 3 hours on the way up and dad about 4 hours to get home. Crazy weather and traffic. Well now I'm all settled in. I got my laptop all docked and food properly unpacked. Well I better post all of this in a long, pokematic's blog post. Later
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