Friday, August 5, 2011

I kind of wish tom was real

A special treat for my fans. For similar entries like this, please go to the video site here. Since this is more story instead of rant, it's going up here.

If it's not a good game or catholic...who do you call...why Pokematic "hi"

Ever get those annoying telemarketers on your cell phone? Well I keep getting these calls from this security company trying to get me to buy there security system. The first couple of times I hung up right after hearing "I'm Tom for homeland security." I must say it was a really good recording. I thought it was some real guy on the other end. Like on TV. Well after 4 times I decided to hear him out. That was when I realized it was a recording. I asked "why do you keep calling me tom?" And the answer was something about signing up for a free trial. He then asked if I own the home I'm living in? I said no but apparently the automated voice recognition thing didn't register the no so it asked the same question? I yelled "NO I DON'T OWN THE HOUSE I'M LIVING IN!!!!" He then said "thank-you, we will have a supervisor call you back with offers."

We're low on minutes, probably in part because my aunt doesn't realize that she can get an iPhone on Verizon and be on the network with the rest of her family. So this guy continuing to call me is jacking up our minutes. This is bad. If I get calls from this number or others that I don't recognise, "ignore." If they call back quickly, I know it'll be for real. While the automated telephone system saves money and other resources for the company, it sure as hell screws over us. So many hours with tech support for comcast with no over ride function. "We'll send a refresh signal to your box. It didn't work so we'll connect you to a real person." And without fail, the solution would work for maybe 10 minutes and then crap out. Call back and the same thing. Luckily my grandparents are now on WOW and have much better support, but then I don't know what the call is like since I haven't had trouble with them.

Wow, automated phones suck. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and bubye.

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