Monday, August 22, 2011

A weird dream

Happy 100th blog post on this blog. What a way to have my 100th post than with a weird little dream story. I originally was going to post it to your 3 minutes, but after writing it I realized it is pokematic's blog worthy. So here we go.

I had a weird dream last night, but they are always weird. First I'll start off with some-ones house I was at. I can't remember who's it was supposed to be, but I think it was an older persons house. Well they had a TV on a swivel, and 4 DVD players on the TV, a SNES that disappeared halfway through, a dish box and a comcast box. But then nothing was connected except for a cable wire thing that didn't go into any port I knew of. It was rabbit ear ready but I figured I try it. Normally I don't dream in first person, but I did when trying to figure out how the TV worked, but it was almost as if it were a video game. I had fingerless gloves, the image was shaky, and it was out in the middle of nowhere when plugging it in, but them magically turned into a basement when it came time to turn it on. The wire thing that came into the TV that I gave it cable from the ceiling. I wanted to watch something on CBC, I think it was animated, but I don't remember what.

Now I'm in a car with my parents and a bunch of other people I don't thing I gave enough detail to to make them memorable. So we're driving along trying to find somewhere to eat, and I pick this gourmet place. Somehow it's only 2 of my friends, but I think at one point it was 3, and myself. They seat us nearly immediately. We sit down and they have these appetizer things. I wasn't sure what it was just looking at it, I swear there was other stuff in it, but it turned out to be nothing but different ways to fry potatoes. The mushrooms that were there even magically disappeared. At one point they seasoned it, but it didn't do anything. Not even their doll size pepper grinder or salad dressing did anything. So we finish that, and then comes our main course. Here's the thing, we didn't order. None of us got anything we wanted. I don't remember what my friends got, but I remember I got butter noodles. My friends are trying to speak up, but I'm the only one able to get their attention. I say "this isn't what I ordered, I didn't even order, can I have a menu." They apologise and my friends also say this isn't what they wanted. They take away our food, and within a minute bring out new food, but it ends up being the butter noodles, with something that looked like these Japanese candies that my cousin gave my family a few years ago. I still say this isn't what I wanted and then the chef came out, but there isn't anything that happened after that. Somehow my mom ended up there, but I don't know how. I know this is at the climax of the story, but there really isn't anything after that. I woke up because I was done so my biological clock says. I tried to fall back asleep, and I think I did, but unfortunately no more of that dream. Right when it was getting good. I tried to imagine what the rest would be like, but it was just quick resolve and not fun. I did figure out that they profiled the customers to figure out what they wanted. How did they get butter noodles out of me? I'm a meat man.

Well this has been Pokematic your crazy dreamer signing off and bu bye.

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