Thursday, August 25, 2011

Goodbye, but only for now.

Hey everyone, don't start jumping to conclusions that I'm leaving the Internet for a while. No I'm fine and hope to be able to make more videos when I'm in college. No this is referring to a few thing that I have to say goodbye to, but only for a while.

I'll start with the "man what a day" series of blogs that I post here. Because they tend to just involve me being busy, and maybe a laugh here and there, I am canceling them here on pokematic's blog and moving them to your 3 minutes. Your 3 minutes is just a look into my life with some of the semi interesting things that I go through daily. I just feel that my hectic days are better put on that blog as apposed to here since this is more for news and funny stories and cool big things that I do.

Next I will talk about karate. After working out and studying at the same class for 11 years, I must now say goodbye for now to that class. I'm going off to college 2 and a half hours away. Not only will my schedule be busy, it's also to far a commute. I hope to keep practicing at a new dojo closer to school, but I may just have to take a break. Tonight will be my last class at my home dojo. I got my sensei a nice gift as a thank-you for being my sensei all these years. It will be kind of hard though. I'm starting to tear up right now because this has been a part of my weekly schedule for 11 years and it's the last time I will be there for a good long while.

Now for hulu plus. Yesterday was my last day in my free trial of hulu plus. I got the "link facebook accounts and get a free month of plus" offer, and timed it quite closely to the end of my summer where I will be able to use it to it's fullest potential. I'm not taking the xbox up to school, it's more my brothers than mine, and I don't have gold, he does. So to continue with the service would be a bit of a waste. Sure I'd get the full seasons of TV shows I don't care for, but that's not enough. Not to mention my TV for my dorm is a computer monitor with a TV tuner so all I need to do is connect my computer and free hulu. Well last night I stayed up to use the very last of plus. I watched plus only content until 11:40 on my laptop. I then canceled my subscription. It asked me why if I was sure, then it asked me why I was canceling. This was probably the tiredness talking, but I begin whispering to my laptop like a close adult would whisper to a child as the adult leaves for an extended period of time. I whisper "I got to go to school and I can't use you to your full potential while there." Then when the survey thing pops up asking why you are canceling, there is an option of "it's only temporary, I'll be back." I then whisper "don't worry, I'll be back." I then click "cancel my subscription" and now it's done. I swear it felt like a movie.

I'm done saying goodbye, this has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye.

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