Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back to school, but not college

Hey everyone, confused by the title? If yes, hang tight I'll explain. I'm still on break, but not my brother and mom, they're back at school. Mom is a teacher and brother is a high school student. I had some fun going to their respective schools, especially since bro's high school is my old high school. I'll start in order of happening.

Yesterday I had to take my brother to school because I needed the car. We share the family's third car, and since my college has great public transit, I don't need the car. Well since I still have plenty of friends still in high school, and it's always fun to see your old teachers, I went in before class and said hi to all my old teachers. It was fun seeing them again. One teacher did something funny when seeing me. I presume that she had a planning period first hour since she didn't have any students. I walk in and say hi. Before looking up she had a tone of "what do you want? I'm on planning." Then she saw it was me and her tone quickly changed to "oh student that graduated and came to say hi." I left soon after first bell because I would technically need a visitor's pass to stay since I'm no longer a student. I don't think anyone would have busted me since everyone knows me and knows I wouldn't cause trouble, but I'm one to play by the rules and wouldn't want to cause a lock down for just wanting to say hi. I came back after school to pick up my brother, and say hi to friends that usually hang out in the back hallway after school for some reason. I did see my one friend who I got to know by interrupting the hugs between her and her then boyfriend. You may know him as Demi if you follow darkenoptimist's blogs. The friend I saw is not juju bee, but an ex. Well she saw me and started charging for a power hug. I braced for impact, and I wasn't expecting her to jump. She hit my chin, it hurt, but some good came of it. My neck was hurting that day, and either the pain in my chin made me forget about my neck, or she knocked it back into alignment. Either way it was fun seeing her and everyone.

Now for today. My mom teaches 5th grade and teaches science while her teaching partner teaches English. For a fun activity I came in and did egg drop lab with them to demonstrate newtons and gravity and wind resistance. I talked about this in my blog "can you drop an egg without breaking it?" But before I get to the science stuff, you need to hear about my getting kind of lost getting there. The school is right on the boarder between nice and bad, on the nice side. I've been there before when I was younger but never drove there myself. Well I get off the express way and it's really important to turn onto her street. I missed the street and drove along the service drive until it turned into a side street, and it wasn't the nice side. There were boarded windows and other rundown aspects. Lock the door. Now logic dictates "turn around and get to the street you need to turn on." I did that, but the street became a one way not the way I need before I got to the street I need. Crap! I eventually make it to the street I needed to be on by some logic and a call to Mom's school. This was interesting. I'm at an intersection in a still kind of bad area. He looks at me and kind of intimidates me. He wasn't like a big guy or otherwise scary, but I had no idea what he was going to do. He starts dancing and I'm thinking "is this some kind of war dance like Maori Warriors?" I was very careful of my body language to make sure not to do anything that might spark confrontation. I'm no racist, but I'm no fool either. I'm a white boy in a safety yellow hoodie with reflective strips and this is still inner city like. But he just felt like entertaining me I guess.

Ok so I'm at my mom's school, I come in and I need to pee. I had a Billy Madison Moment because I didn't know where the mens room was and all I could see was the boys room. Little short urinals, just like in Billy Madison. I went into my mom's room and her kids chanted "alwayse listen to your mother" to which I replied "I did and mapquest." She told her kids to do that and said I'd respond with exactly what I said. So I get there and set it up. I set up the splat mat, ladder, and put the bags of materials out. I didn't know what the kids would do. All but 3 failed on the first drop with only 2 surviving the second higher drop. One group that survived had a design very similar to mine. Another group had the cone but didn't have a stablizer so it fell on it's side and failed. I would have taken pictures but photo release and other stuff like that prevented me. Oh well. The kids had fun and so did I. I wonder what dinner conversation was like at their house tonight. Well this has been Pokematic signing of and bu-bye.

Really weird. I wrote the last paragraph but somehow it got deleted. Don't know how that happened. I retyped it from memory as best I could.

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