Friday, January 27, 2012

The Day Job Premier

Hey everyone, boy was today cool. It was the world premier of "The Day Job," a film written, produced, preformed, and, well everything that goes into making a movie, by students at my school. I'm in the RSO that they started, and while I didn't have a steak in making the film, I did advertise it. I changed my facebook profile picture to the poster for a month or so. I missed my giant pikachu. I also made references to it in your3minutes, but no one reads that except for 4 people in Russia. But the best thing of all was what I did with a poster. The picture speaks for it's self.
Yeah I turned my vest inside out, wore it backwards, and taped the poster to it. I walked around all day being a walking bill board. I guess I was the "poster child." I think I did some good advertising for it that way. I had some people ask about it and I told them it was tonight. Now for the actual event.

I was scheduled to do freebie give aways, but they didn't need me as it turned out. But I didn't find out until much later. I got there at about 8 pm, had to be there for freebie give aways at 8:30, was told I wasn't needed until 8:50, and the show started at 9. It was really cool. Since it was student made and the world premier, it was obvious that everyone that worked on it was going to be there. Some of the actors were in suits, and others were just dressed nice. The producer/directors, not so much. They just dressed normal, but whatever, it was there night and they could do whatever they wanted. There was a professional photographer getting all their pictures and such and were being organised into what needed to be done. Since I had nearly an hour to kill, I just followed them around, with the poster still taped to my backwards inside out safety vest. I brought a sarpee and got autographs on the poster from everyone who worked on it. I got them when there was a lull in the action or they weren't needed for a picture at that time. I even ended up in some pictures purposefully. I was in 2 pictures getting signed and in 1 by myself just showing off my dedication with the poster and all. Sorry I don't have them so I can't show them to you.

It was quite the premier. I heard the coordinator say to the producer/directors that "this is your Sundanese" referring to the film festival. There were photo ops, autographs, and an introduction by the producer/directors themselves. I know these guys from film makers club so they were happy to indulge in my autograph hounding. It also probably helped in making it more real for them. "I'm autographing a poster for the movie I made." Here's the one of a kind poster that will be worth big bucks one day.
The introduction was also cool. Just let us know some back story to the film and how it came to be. I hope someone recorded it so it can be a bonus feature on the DVD.

Now before you "click here for review," there are a few things I want to also mention. I did participate in the freebies, but not as a distributor but rather a recipient. The distributor for this movie was the Campus Activity Board, they're in charge of all the movie nights. They were the ones giving away free stuff that had their logo on it, not ours. I was going to help them out as partner, but since I wasn't needed, I got free stuff. In order to get free stuff, I had to dance. I can't dance, and especially not so when the music is slow. I'll have to see if that ends up somewhere. It was pitiful, but hey, got a free blanket out of the deal. There was also an after party, but because the movie ended at 11, was kind of far by foot, and I had a class the next morning, I was unfortunately unable to attend. I'll just have to hear stories next week at the meeting. I also don't know if I snuck in or if I was let in. Because I was going to do the give aways, basically working, I would have gotten in free. Well I didn't help out with give aways so I don't know if I was thought to be part of the creators, or if everyone just loved the advertizing I did, or because I was sceduled but since they cancled on me I still got in free, or whatever. If you're reading this guys, I will work off my $1 debt in getting this thing on netflix and hulu, plus I wrote a great review for it and will hopefully draw people to watch it and pay for it.

Hope you enjoyed and if you haven't read the movie review yet, click here. This has been Pokematic signing off and bu-bye.

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