Thursday, October 13, 2011

Drunken Nintendo Characters

Hey everyone, I just got back from an activity called "Drunk Mario Kart." Now here this, it wasn't for real drunk. What we had were these goggles that mimicked intoxication of varying degrees. I don't know exactly how they work, but they obscure the vision to cause it to bend and be manipulated. I assume that they are somewhat realistic because I haven't been drunk ever. So I can't speak for the accuracy of the goggles. Well with those goggles, we played Mario Kart Wii. As if Mario Kart Wii wasn't hard enough, now we got to do it with simulated intoxication. It was really interesting.

I played with high strength. I failed, epically. I'm typically decent at Mario Kart. I'm bad at Wii because the controls suck. Sure they "mimic" real controls for driving by rotating the wiimote like a steering wheel, but the controls aren't all that responsive. Wii sucks but my detest for the Wii isn't the point of this blog post.

So with Wii being hard, the goggles just made it even harder. Everyone came in dead last. But because the goggles impair vision and not brain functionality, it was possible to adapt to the vision. The brain is quite amazing and can fix vision. So to combat that, we had to move chairs, stand up, and other tasks that otherwise would be more a nuisance and loss of gaming trance. But the goggles made it hart to walk and any movement would really screw up your vision. Like if you were to tilt your head to the left or right, it would stretch the image, and it was really interesting. The extreme had like these holes that made it incredibly hard in addition to the filters. It's hard to fully explain it. If you get the chance to try on goggles like that, I recommend trying it. It's an experience.

Now for some fun that I had while wearing them. I tried to walk in a strait line. I fell onto a couch and was swaying back and forth. Balance while walking is partially based on being able to keep stationary objects in a depth relative to your speed and distance from that object, or something like that. Well because these goggles shifted and messed up your field of view, it became really hard to focus on objects and depth. I can't explain why I was swaying, but it probably had something to do with the vision. Another interesting thing was I was laughing like an intoxicated person. I think it had something to do with the fact that I knew I looked ridiculous and was laughing and imagined what I must look like. Another thing was my inability to balance on 1 foot. Now I can normally stand on 1 foot with neer perfect balance for over 10 minutes. But with the goggles on I could barely last 30 seconds.

After wearing them, there was a bit of a hang over believe it or not. While getting my bearings I felt dissy and nauseous. I still have a small head ache. Still a good experience. I am not getting drunk any time soon with help from that. Well until next time, this has been Pokematic signing off and bu-bye.

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