Thursday, December 28, 2023

Pokematic's Christmas 2022 Blog

Hey everyone, it's that jingle jangle time again. Before I get to real Christmas, I need to tell a little story about the last day of work for the year. My one co-worker retired at the end of the year and the 23rd was his last day. I wore my Pikachu shirt for him like I do whenever a coworker leaves the company, and it was a pretty slow day. I basically worked on paperwork all day while I watched Christmas specials (Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Shortsmas with Big City Greens, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, Click Clack Moo Christmas at the Farm, A Garfield Christmas, Santa and the Three Bears, Ernest Saves Christmas, and The Night Before Christmas). Mskate and I also had to get the car ready for the big trip to our parents house. So the midwest was expected to have a giant winter storm over Christmas, and we had to make sure we made the 40 mile trip all OK. We packed up a case of water, a bunch of snack foods, some blankets, candles, the power brick, and hand warmers. We ended up not needing them, but better to have and not need than need and not have. Mskate packed up the car (or as I say at this time, sleigh) while I was at work and we were ready for our trip. It was pretty packed. She had to work 5-9PM at her retail job and with the bad weather I dropped her off and picked her up. The snow wasn't all that bad (primarily super cold and windy), but I still decided to take a trial run on the free way to pick-up a game at Best Buy (in-store pick-up) to make sure it was going to be OK tomorrow (and it was safe, and the game was Oddworld Soulstorm on XBOX by the way).

The 24th was the big start of the festivities, gift exchange with my grandma. Before we went there we unloaded our overnight stuff at Mskate's parents house since we wouldn't need it at grandma's house. We had to make sure IRA didn't see the bag we got him since that was his big surprise (I'll get to that later). We met the family at grandma's house to unload her presents and start setting up the piles. Mskate and I were there first so we did the bulk of the setting-up, and then everyone else showed up soon after. We got everyone packed-up so we could go to McDonalds like we've done for nearly 30 years, and I forgot my phone at her house, which meant I wasn't going to get my rewards points on the order. Mskate told me "well I guess you're out of luck on this one," but it was going to be like a $30-40 order and that isn't insignificant, plus she forgot some stuff as well so I walked the 1 block distance back to grandma's house and got my phone and her hat and gloves. Once I got back everyone had their order figured out so we went to the self serve kiosk, put in my reward number, made our order, and I got enough points for a free large fry off the order. It was a fun little thing remembering the fun times.

Now it's time for the gift exchanges. Let's see if I remember everything. The funny thing is grandma got 4 bags of Lindor chocolate balls, all the same flavor. She likes them, but it was just kind of funny. Mskate and I also got her a 50th anniversary Micky Mouse wishimal since she liked the Minnie Mouse we got her last year so much, and puzzles she can do (large piece children's puzzles) since that's something she enjoys doing. I got Morbius, Spiderman No Way Home, Death Stranding, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, Used Cars, Pokemon Johto League Champions, and candy. Mskate got me Disney nutcracker socks, and the funny thing is it was 6 different socks (not pairs), so I have to mix and match when I wear them. Mskate got a Welly Wisher doll, Courtney slumber party accessories, Micky and Minnie plushies, candy, film for her instaflix camera, and candy. It was a fun time. After the gift exchange it was about time for church, so we got everyone together and we went to grandma's church (we normally go to my parent's church, but it's gotten too hard to do that now). After mass we had dinner at her house (ham), and watched Pluto's Christmas Tree and Santa's Workshop Silly Symphony on Disney plus.

After all that fun we went back to mskate's parents house and did some Christmas Eve presents (because that's a thing her family does). I got a Buckees mug and tumbler, and I think mskate got some ornaments. We gave IRA his "only presents from us," a Nightmare Before Christmas puzzle and a Micky plushy. I also started watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TBS, my Christmas tradition for at least the last 10 years. I watched most of the movie on the first airing, but I missed triple dog dare you and Chinese restaurant, so I had to catch that on later airings. After that I fell asleep and was ready for bed. 

OK it's Christmas Morning. Mskate and I woke up a little earlier than everyone else, so I ate a bagel before all the festivities. I like to put peanut butter on my bagels, and apparently only the dogs at the in-laws eat peanut butter, so little Delilah was like "hey, that's my peanut butter, let me have my peanut butter." Unlike my in-laws I don't feed the dogs off my plate (because I know that's bad for dogs), but since I was eating their food I let her lick the butter knife, and mskate got some off my bagel to feed to Duke. It was a good little bagel.

OK, now that IRA is awake it's time for Christmas morning. The in-laws got me a Dreamworks 42 movie collection (which is crazy because I remember the first Dreamworks movie when it released, and have seen 29 of the 42), a Bowser plushie, Super Mario Legos, pokemon megablocks, cells at work issue one, 2 cars toys, a set of ankle weights from mskate, and candy. Mskate got some clothes, Harry Potter Legos, candy, and some other things. IRA was really surprised to find the giant bag of presents mskate and I got him. Here's a really funny thing, we bought him a Santa baby Yoda but couldn't find it (I tore apart the room we kept the gifts in and it wasn't there), so we gave him the Nightmare Before Christmas puzzle instead. Well it turns out that I put it in the Nightmare Before Christmas lunch box we got him, and when he opened it he was super happy. One thing I got my father in law was media remote for his xbox series x that he primarily uses as a streaming box. Well unfortunately Amazon sent me a replacement roku remote instead so I had to make a return. That's annoying, but oh well.

After gift time mskate and I picked up her aunt from 2 blocks away for Christmas breakfast. It was pretty easy getting her to the house, and it was a good breakfast. I had eggs and bacon, and everyone else had an egg and bacon casserole thing. After breakfast mskate and I booked our hotel and flight to see her aunt over New Years. Her aunt isn't doing too well so we're going to see her over New Years for an emergency trip (and she lives in New Mexico, so look out for a blog on that at some point).

In the afternoon mskate and I went over to my parents for Christmas day fun. We didn't do gift exchange with them yet (that's for the day after), this was the Christmas party with all the family where my parents make dinner and we sing accordion songs. PepperBC and her family came to visit as did TanMan's grandparents and uncle. He called us shortly after they arrived just by coincidence so they were able to have a nice conversation. Cousin M and my in-laws showed up about an hour after Mskate and I arrived. IRA gave grandma and mom a gift of hand soap and lotion from Bath and Bodyworks (we got it from our black friday trip).

Next it was time for dinner. My parents made a pot roast and ham, and my dad borrowed my cast iron Dutch oven to make more food for everyone. There was a kids table and adults table since my parent's dining room table isn't large enough for everyone. We all did Oplatki (a Polish Christmas tradition) with our tables, though I think the kid's table might have been the only one to do it since I was into it. It was really good. After dinner we sang accordion songs. It was a lot of Christmas songs, and was fun. I'm glad my in-laws enjoy Christmas with my family. After that we had desert, lemon meringue pie, chocolate cake, and ice cream. I had both, and it was yummy. My mom gave IRA a little present, and it was a Tamagotchi. I got it set-up for him, and he wasn't really into it but I was so it kind of became mine.

After the Christmas party mskate and I went back to her parent's house. I watched some more A Christmas Story since I love watching that movie at Christmas (and at some point throughout the day I watched the parts I missed and this was just some fun), and after finishing the final airing IRA and I watched Used Cars. He thought it was hilarious and I have a feeling he's going to want a copy as well. Time for bed.

Now it's the 26th, and it's time for after Christmas sales and gift exchanges with my parents. I had another bagel with peanut butter for breakfast (and gave the dogs some thank-you licks for sharing their food with me). Mskate, her family, and I went to the mall to have a look for things. We got some Sees  (Ceese, Seeces, I don't know how it's spelled) gourmet candy from the pop-up store. After that we went to the other side of the mall to go to the basic candy store to get a spongebob surprise egg for me (if they had one that wasn't squidward according to the product number on the bottom), and some harry potter candy for IRA. I was able to get a chocolate egg and it ended up being Patrick, yay. After the candy store we went to the lego store and IRA and Mskate made a custom mini-figure. Mskate made one that looked like me and gave it a safety vest with a beard head, legs with pockets in the pants, a cowboy hat (because that was the closest to a fedora), and a pizza box. IRA made one that kind of looked like him. After the lego store we went back to the other side of the mall for Lulu Lemon for Mskate and an outdoor store for me to look for a new winter jacket. Now, I think both of my winter coats are perfectly fine, as does mskate, but all season my mom has been making a big deal about how old my coats are, so we found one that would work for me we would get it just to make her stop bringing it up every time we saw her. Unfortunately they didn't have one I liked, so I said "I'll just have to continue wearing my perfectly good coats that are just as old as can be" (that's a thing my grandma would say about old stuff). Lulu lemon was too crowded so mskate didn't get anything.

After our mall trip we packed up my parent's stuff and went to do gift exchange with them. When we got there I told mom "mom, I wasn't able to find a new jacket, so I'm just going to have to continue wearing my perfectly good jackets that are just as old as can be." She got defensive and denial about how she doesn't care that my coats are old and mskate and I countered with "you are literally the only person that says anything about my coats, and it's every single time we see you." Hopefully this gets through to her about how no one has any desire to replace my coats. We set-up all the presents and now it's time to exchange. I got candy, star bills, a set of family games my mom thought were more mature but they're really children's matching games, Sonic frontier, a mini inflatable dancing man (because my parents have the full size one at their house for now), a movie trivia game, lottery scratch offs (which won $57 on), and some other things I'm forgetting. My brother got socks, beer, Letterkenny DVDs, and money. We gave my parents gift cards, soaps, touch screen winter gloves with a matching hat and scarf, and gaffer's tape. Mskate got a popcorn popper (she really likes popcorn, so single serving popcorn popper is great for her), Friends the complete series blu-ray, a Minnie Mouse necklace (also a black Friday find), and heavy socks. The big thing mskate and I got were German headwear for when we have Octoberfest at church since we didn't have much this year's event, and my Grandma being German she had a hat with real German pins on it, we got that as a present. I also got a men's version of my grandma's hat to put the pins on, and mskate got an artificial flower crown with a ribbon. We'll be very German next year. We also got picture ornaments from our major accomplishments this year. Mine was going to Sault Saint Marie to find an analog Canadian TV channel (of which I have a blog about, that hopefully will get up soon), and mskate with getting her book out. I also have a framed picture of me with the TV with channel 2 on it; I'm going to put it on my desk at work as a conversation starter ("Pokematic, why do you have a framed picture of you with an old TV?" and then I can explain how Canada has 12 channels still broadcasting in analog at the time of this picture, and this was when I found it in November of 2022).

Shortly after that mskate and I packed up all our stuff from both of our parent's houses and went home. It wasn't any problem getting home, and then I unloaded the car to the house. It wasn't any trouble, just a lot of stuff. One funny thing is I tried opening the bed gate on my truck to put some junk in it before we left but it was so cold that it wouldn't open, but then when we got back the bed was open because it got warm enough to melt the gate so we were greeted to an open lift gate on the truck. Now I'm in the process of trying to pack for the New Mexico trip while sorting through all our new stuff. This has been Pokematic, signing off, and bu-bye.

Oh wow, I never hit publish. Guess I should do that now a year later.

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