Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Moving my Brother Out

Hey there everyone. My brother finished his 4th year of college, and this meant it was time to move him out, and this is the adventure I had. Dad and I took off Friday so we could leave Thursday after work. I had to mail my iClicker that I sold on eBay, but after I got home from that we packed up my van and went on our way. We made it to our hotel after 4 hours of driving, and we only made it a couple hundred miles. Oh well. We stopped at the same hotel we did a couple years ago for another time we either moved my brother in or out. Last time there was an arcade left over from when it was a holladome, and I gathered some quarters to play the Pac Man cabinet even Billy Mitchell would have a hard time with. Unfortunately they got rid of the arcade games, so I had to surf the web like an adult. Oh well. They did have Disney XD, which was fun since I don't get Disney XD. I also found out why I haven't seen ads for Pokémon Sun and Moon on Cartoon Network, because it airs on Disney XD. At first I was wondering "why didn't Cartoon Network renew the rights to the next Pokémon series?" Then I remembered Cartoon Network thinks "action doesn't sell." Oh well.

Friday the next day we eat breakfast and get on the road again. After some driving Dad notices a notification on my dashboard. My car says "I need an oil change," when we're on a road trip away from my mechanic. I read the owners manual and it says "don't go more than 10,000 before an oil change." Well, that ain't happening. If we found a dealer along the way I could have had it changed, but we didn't. We stopped at a gas station that sells minnows for bait, because it's kind of country. I decided I was going to pet the fish, and I guess they've been contained for so long they didn't even flee when I stuck my hand in. I bought some Cheetos to snack on along the way. After hours of driving we finally make it to my brother's house. I've not been to his rental, so this was interesting. Now I figured his house would have been in the student neighborhood, with a bunch of rental houses. No, his house was right in the middle of down town. Like, on one side was Little Caesars, on the other was the hotel, and a couple blocks down was the bar and brewery. It was pretty awesome. The house was also pretty weird too. Check out some of the video I took.

Dad and I unpacked our overnight stuff, we set-up in the rooms we were going to stay in for the night, and got settled in. After an hour or 2 of relaxing after 5 hours of driving, he took us on a tour of the labs he worked in over the semester. That was cool. After the tour we parked our car at his house and walked to the local pub and ordered a pizza. It was good. After dinner I went to the local videogame store and bought some games I don't have, and a complete PS2 golf simulator I know I will never find in the wild again. After that we just relaxed for the rest of the night.

On Saturday we packed up all my brother's stuff in my van and his car. We were going to hang out around his college town for the day, but we've seen and done everything, so we got going early. PepperBC was graduating this weekend, and she was going to school relatively close to my brother. It was 100 miles away, but it was on the way back home, so we stopped by and visited for an hour. It was fun. After visiting and a lot more driving we made it to our hotel. We unloaded our overnight stuff, and Dad looked for someplace to eat. We found a local bar, and had some bar dinner with a drink. I had a cheeseburger and they had chicken. It was a good burger. We relaxed the rest of the night.

On Sunday we started on our way back home. I did a lot of driving on the home stretch. Since I had my car to myself (Dad was driving with brother), I recorded my Dan VS podcast. There wasn't much else from Sunday. We unloaded our cars, and that was pretty much it. It was a fun little trip. Really glad I took it. This has been Pokematic, signing off, and bu-bye.

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