Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Saint Patrick's Day in Ann Arbor Gymnastics

Hey everyone, wow I wasn't expecting to go back to Ann Arbor so quickly, but here I am going on Saint Patrick's Day. Before the story, I just need to start out with some initial stories. We went to mass like we normally do and our priest mentioned corned beef in his homily. This had me thinking "I should make some if I can find it." After mass we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and they had corned beef on sale. Yay. I picked up a pack and some crock pot liners and when we got home I got it started for when we get home to be ready after the day out.

This time because there was some more planning, mskate's mom joined us since she's also into gymnastics. When we got to Ann Arbor it was about lunch time and I said "we need to go to Blimpy Burger." Yeah, after seeing it on Tripple D and going there myself, every time I'm in Ann Arbor I need to go to Blimpy Burger. It's just so good, and a good value. I had fried broccoli like normal, they had the pumpernickel bun so I had that for my bun, and I decided to try a fried egg as my hot topper this time, plus lettuce, pickles, onions, and banana peppers for my cold toppers. Mskate and her mom got their burgers on lettuce bowls, mskate having tomato and pickles, and mom-in-law getting onions and ketchup I think, and a side of french fries. Mom-in-law as very impressed with the flavor. I said I think it's the seasoning of the grill. Really good.

After lunch we went to the meet. It was pretty crowded at the sports complex because there was both the gymnastics meet and a baseball/softball game happening. I let mskate and mom-in-law out and went to find parking. I was expecting to have to drive around for a long time, but I got lucky and found a spot not super far away not long after the women got out. This time the freebie was a poster of the team and coasters. It wasn't as cool as the cape, but still good to have free. We were able to sit front row to the floor routine area, which was great. Mom-in-law made some posters, one rooting for Fred and the other just saying "lucky wolverines." The show was pretty good I'd say, I'm not a sports fan so I wouldn't know. I did manage to get a lot of good pictures, including the guy who offered me a chicken nugget. Between the events UofM was throwing t-shirts, and mskate and I went to area where they were throwing the shirts. We brought the lucky wolverines sign and that got the attention of the person throwing the shirts and we won one. Yay.

Right at the end is when things got really bad. On the high bar, the final event, one of the competitors missed the bar and fell flat on his face. Falling isn't exactly uncommon from what I've gathered, a lot of people fall during the warmup, some people fell at meet, and they have all the mats to lesson the fall, and they always jump right back up. Not this time, he was not moving, all the emergency responders jumped and went to him. The music was turned off and everyone was silent, complete absence of sound. Really scary. He did get up and walked to the physicians office. I'm sure he went to the hospital afterwards, and the competition let an alternate compete. UofM ultimately won, which was great for them.

Getting home was pretty easy. We had our corned beef for dinner and it was quite good. I put some sauerkraut on it and mixed some German with the Irish. That was a great way to finish a generally good day. Hopefully the gymnast who fell is doing well, I don't know if there's any updates due to privacy reasons. This has been Pokematic, signing off, and bu-bye.

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