Hey everyone, another story from the wonderful world of Pokematic. Well today was shop for a laptop for college day. I got an hp notebook with 6 gigs of ram, 750 gig hard drive, 14 inch screen, i5 processor. Well when considering what lap top to get, I figured I should look into what is part of the promotion. Well to see what laptops were like, dad and I went to costco, best buy, and microcenter. I found a modle I liked and got all the specks so we can customize the one on the internet for the free xbox promotion. Well when we got it all said and done, it was $200 cheaper at costco, and the promotional xbox online was about $200. So I could get the online one with the free xbox or get the one at costco and save enough money to buy an xbox. Well since I wanted it now, and since I don't play a lot of xbox as is, it works out.
Well now for some good stuff. It runs 7 and I'm loving it. I'm not a big fan of explorer 9 yet, but I'm sure I'll warm up to it. I love stickey note. Soon I'll get more programs. But here's the great news; it has a web cam. That means videos again. I may still make text reviews because those don't require me to need to ensure that I have it quiet on the location. Movie maker for 7 looks like it will be good, but I don't know yet because I haven't played around with it yet. But I'll do that soon. Be on the look out for new videos.
Well I need to get back to playing around to better understand it. Bye.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Can we haz movie tics
Hey everyone. My friends and I decided we wanted to go see bad teacher. But there was one problem with our plan. Our friend, Max, is 16 and since bad teacher is rated R, he couldn't get in unless accompenied by an adult. Recently turning 18, a legal adult in most terms, we thought I'd be able to buy the tickets, but only I could because my friend zeldamaster93 is still 17. But there is one problem with that theory. In order to buy tickets for other people to see an R rated movie you need to be 21. None of us knew that. I got I.D.ed and he said sorry. There weren't any really good movies that weren't rated R at the theater we went to.
But there's hope. There was another movie theater within walking distance. Max used his iPhone to check movie times and listings at the other theater. While it pains to admit it, that stupid piece of icrap saved us some time. But android can do that as well, and more. Well we walk down to the other theater and go to see Captain America. Wow that was an experience. Be sure to read my review of Captain America here.
We agreed that when I come home to visit from college and Max is 17, we're all going to see an R rated movie together. Oh well, Zeldamaster93 and I are going to see bad teacher some time this week. He's 17 so it's legal. We're so bad trying to get our friend into an R rated movie since he's shy by one year. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye.
But there's hope. There was another movie theater within walking distance. Max used his iPhone to check movie times and listings at the other theater. While it pains to admit it, that stupid piece of icrap saved us some time. But android can do that as well, and more. Well we walk down to the other theater and go to see Captain America. Wow that was an experience. Be sure to read my review of Captain America here.
We agreed that when I come home to visit from college and Max is 17, we're all going to see an R rated movie together. Oh well, Zeldamaster93 and I are going to see bad teacher some time this week. He's 17 so it's legal. We're so bad trying to get our friend into an R rated movie since he's shy by one year. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The power of PQI flashdrives
This is quite an amazing story. My brother has a bunch of data saved on his flash drive, but I don't know what it is and I'm not about to go snooping. Well just wait and hear what happened.
Like many guys, he will leave stuff in his pockets, but this is typically change and mechanical pencils. Once he sent a sharpe through and the lid stayed on tight keeping all the permanent ink in. Well this time his flash drive went through the wash. Initially he couldn't find it and mom checked in his recently washed pants, and there it was. We're all thinking that it's ruined. It's an electronic storage unit and it was relatively cheap.
Well just wishfully thinking, we make sure it's dry and plug it into our computer. You won't believe what happened. IT WORKED! Not only did it work, but everything was still there. The sealing on these things is amazing. Click here to buy one because this is amazing.
Your data will be safe on this flash drive. I don't recomend doing it yourself intentially, but it's a piece of mind.
Like many guys, he will leave stuff in his pockets, but this is typically change and mechanical pencils. Once he sent a sharpe through and the lid stayed on tight keeping all the permanent ink in. Well this time his flash drive went through the wash. Initially he couldn't find it and mom checked in his recently washed pants, and there it was. We're all thinking that it's ruined. It's an electronic storage unit and it was relatively cheap.
Well just wishfully thinking, we make sure it's dry and plug it into our computer. You won't believe what happened. IT WORKED! Not only did it work, but everything was still there. The sealing on these things is amazing. Click here to buy one because this is amazing.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Southland Mall is Awesome
Hey everyone. My eye doctor moved malls, and this was the first time I went to this one. It's the mall in Southland Michigan. And it has otaku heaven. The store is called China Capital Arts, but don't let the name fool you, it has tons of anime stuff. Words can not describe it, but pictures with captions can.
In addition to China Capital Arts, there is another store called Hodge Podge. This place has more American stuff like star wars and loony tunes. They did have Pokemon stuff, but all them American toys. I was nearly turned away because of the Bieber stuff, but then I saw a Marilyn Monroe stand up and I figured probably safe. Didn't buy anything, but here are some pictures I took.
Legend of Zelda stuff. That's the master sword.
Many Plushies.
Back Packs and Laptop Cases
Cool poster things, but not blurry.
Even more plushies
DBZ stuff
DBZ and Zelda figures
Mario World figures
Various Naruto things
Anime soundtracks
I bought a cool little Naruto Figure that I'm going to put on my desk at college
Cool Star Wars stuff
Pokemon Toys
Even more Pokemon toys
There was one last store I went to, but I can't remember the name. I didn't do much there because there wasn't much to it. I guess you could describe it as a toy and novelty store, but there wasn't a whole lot. I bought a "the very best of Sabrina the Teenage Witch the animated series" DVD. They actually had a bunch of cartoons and shows from yesteryear. I can't remember them all. It's a cool mall, and I recommend it to cartoon and anime fans. This has been Pokematic, and bu bye.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Seeing Harry Potter in the IMAX
Hey everyone, Pokematic here with another adventure, or more like the end to an adventure. I recently went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at the IMAX at the Henry Ford museum. You can read my review of the movie here, but now's the time to talk about the experience.
Ever since Prisoner of Azkaban, my family and a family of friends went to the Henry Ford IMAX to see the Potter movies. We started that 7 years ago when it came out, and now it's over. It was fun. I am a hat man, and as such, I have many hats. I have 3 Harry Potter hats. Now I'm not such a bad nerd that I have 3 wizard hats and say that they are Harry Potter hats. They are all baseball caps, one says Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one says Raven Claw, and the last one has a Hogwarts shield on it. All of them are small on me. I wore HP5 hat to see HP5.
Now onto the IMAX experience. The Henry Ford IMAX theater is the largest IMAX screen in Michigan. It is quite impressive. They show many made for IMAX movies there, and the few that I've seen are really good. Before every show, they do a demonstration of what the theater is capable of. It's a 2 story screen. It is gigantic. In the demonstration, they always show off the amazing speaker set up. They have 2 speakers in the back of the theater, 4 behind the screen, and one sub base behind the screen. It's quite impressive, they immerse us in the sounds of the rain forest.
Then there is the projection room display. There is this giant glass window on the back of the projection room. I love to see it every time I go there. There is also a speaker with a button that tells you what is happening. The bulb is so powerful it can be seen from the moon. It's just so cool.
Every year we would take a picture by the big Harry Potter poster. Here is the final one.
If you can, I highly recommend the Henry Ford and the IMAX. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye
Ever since Prisoner of Azkaban, my family and a family of friends went to the Henry Ford IMAX to see the Potter movies. We started that 7 years ago when it came out, and now it's over. It was fun. I am a hat man, and as such, I have many hats. I have 3 Harry Potter hats. Now I'm not such a bad nerd that I have 3 wizard hats and say that they are Harry Potter hats. They are all baseball caps, one says Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one says Raven Claw, and the last one has a Hogwarts shield on it. All of them are small on me. I wore HP5 hat to see HP5.
Now onto the IMAX experience. The Henry Ford IMAX theater is the largest IMAX screen in Michigan. It is quite impressive. They show many made for IMAX movies there, and the few that I've seen are really good. Before every show, they do a demonstration of what the theater is capable of. It's a 2 story screen. It is gigantic. In the demonstration, they always show off the amazing speaker set up. They have 2 speakers in the back of the theater, 4 behind the screen, and one sub base behind the screen. It's quite impressive, they immerse us in the sounds of the rain forest.
Then there is the projection room display. There is this giant glass window on the back of the projection room. I love to see it every time I go there. There is also a speaker with a button that tells you what is happening. The bulb is so powerful it can be seen from the moon. It's just so cool.
Every year we would take a picture by the big Harry Potter poster. Here is the final one.
If you can, I highly recommend the Henry Ford and the IMAX. Well this has been Pokematic signing off and bu bye
Thursday, July 21, 2011
No videos for now
Hey everyone. In my last post I said I was sorry about not making videos because I've been busy. Well I tried to make a video yesterday and low and behold, the mic isn't working. Well here's what I'll do: First I'll upload the few videos I have recorded just not edited. Once those are done, I'm going to do text reviews on my ccpandhgvideos blog. http://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2010/12/home.html
Click there and remember the web adress so you can read what the videos would be if the mic was working. I hope you enjoy the text reviews since I can't do video reviews. I'm really sorry about any inconvienence. I will do update videos when a new review is up. Thank-you for understanding.
Well this has been Pokematic signing off, and bu bye.
Click there and remember the web adress so you can read what the videos would be if the mic was working. I hope you enjoy the text reviews since I can't do video reviews. I'm really sorry about any inconvienence. I will do update videos when a new review is up. Thank-you for understanding.
Well this has been Pokematic signing off, and bu bye.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Camping was fun
Hey everyone, good news, my swagbucks was reactivated. Aparently because I did a bunch of searches at one time it thought I was a bot. Note to self, use bing for a while. And I'm sorry about not uploading any videos this summer. The busy excuse holds some ground, but I probably did have time to but forgot. Oh well, on to fun stuff.
This weekend was the 25th camp out my family has gon on with a bunch of family friends. Being 18, I oviously haven't been on all of them because it's a once a year thing. This year was kind of crazier, and crazy as in fun. We caught chipmunks, went to a local river festival where I shot a pellet gun, BTW I did decent, went swimming, played with my godbrother and godsister, had a fire, slept in a tent, went to Tony's on I-75, collected bottle caps and pop can tabs, went to the icecream store that's close to the camp ground, read my book, and some other miscilaneous things.
The chipmunks probably need some explaining. Well one of the families brought a can of peanuts to give to everyone. But then the chipmunks got into them by chewing through the lid. They ate half of them and we couldn't eat them because of deseeses and stuff. So what did we do? We used the bad peanuts as bait to catch some chipmunks. We set up the stereotypical trap of bait uner a box that is held up by a stick with a pull string. The oldest of us stupid enough to mess with nature people was the one with the pull string and the one that went over to release the chipmunks after capture. Here is what there was: a box, a tent stake, a half eaten can of peanuts, and a string. To my suprise, it worked really well. We captured 2 chipmunks, and I was waiting for the chipmunk to jump up and start trying to eat the one guys face. We were going to do it later, but the chipmunks ate all the peanuts. Oh well we had our fun.
The river festival was fun. We wanted to go primarily for this poorly writen event on the flyer. We had this flyer that told us all the events at the festival, and it had this event called "youth shooting sponsored by the NRA." OK, it wasn't worded exactly like that, but that's what we kept calling it because it emphasised "youth, shooting, and NRA." We weren't able to find it until the end. They had a bunch of venues where people were selling their art and some other stuff. There was some good stuff, but the shooting was the best part. Oviously it wasn't shooting youths, but designed to get the youth into shooting. It was pelet guns, shooting into a trailer that is basically a portable indoor shooting range. I won't bother describing it because if you don't know what an indoor shooting range looks like, go to one, rent a gun, and go shooting. It's really fun.
Tony's on I-75 is more than a restaurant, it's a destination. It has been on both food and travel channel many times. It's like many other restaurants with specialties and atmosphere, but the kicker is the portion size. You order eggs, hashbrowns, toast, and baccon, you will get 3 giant slises of toast, 3 eggs, a pound of hashbrowns, and a pound of baccon. You order a roast beef sandwhich, you are getting a mound of roast beef. You order icecream, you're getting a half gallon. They have giant portions. We went there becaue of the left overs you get. Get leftovers, put them in plastic bags, put them in the food cooler, and warm them up for a meal later. We got full breakfasts and lunches for our family of four out of those leftovers, and when camping, that's easy.
Now for some miscilaneous details. We're a group of maybe 7 families that have been doing this for 25 years. We started out huge, but slowly shrunk. Earlier I mentioned my godbroher and godsister. I just call them that because they are the children of my godfather. The lake had this dog beach put in where we would alwayse go to for the beach because we are almost alwayse in the same area each and every year, and we plan it like that. We prety much took over the dog beach. And teh lake water is really clear because of the zebra muscles. They are an invasive species and bad for the environment, but good for us tourists who want a clear lake. It's almost as clear as a pool of fresh tap water in a clean container. I have a book that I'm reading so I read there. I'll talk about it after I finish it. There's this ice cream store that's with in walking distance from the camp ground. It's good. I think that covers most everything. It was a fun weekend. Now if you'll excuse me, I needto go sandblast my feet. Only bringing crocks to a dusty sandy campground was a bad idea. Laters.
This weekend was the 25th camp out my family has gon on with a bunch of family friends. Being 18, I oviously haven't been on all of them because it's a once a year thing. This year was kind of crazier, and crazy as in fun. We caught chipmunks, went to a local river festival where I shot a pellet gun, BTW I did decent, went swimming, played with my godbrother and godsister, had a fire, slept in a tent, went to Tony's on I-75, collected bottle caps and pop can tabs, went to the icecream store that's close to the camp ground, read my book, and some other miscilaneous things.
The chipmunks probably need some explaining. Well one of the families brought a can of peanuts to give to everyone. But then the chipmunks got into them by chewing through the lid. They ate half of them and we couldn't eat them because of deseeses and stuff. So what did we do? We used the bad peanuts as bait to catch some chipmunks. We set up the stereotypical trap of bait uner a box that is held up by a stick with a pull string. The oldest of us stupid enough to mess with nature people was the one with the pull string and the one that went over to release the chipmunks after capture. Here is what there was: a box, a tent stake, a half eaten can of peanuts, and a string. To my suprise, it worked really well. We captured 2 chipmunks, and I was waiting for the chipmunk to jump up and start trying to eat the one guys face. We were going to do it later, but the chipmunks ate all the peanuts. Oh well we had our fun.
The river festival was fun. We wanted to go primarily for this poorly writen event on the flyer. We had this flyer that told us all the events at the festival, and it had this event called "youth shooting sponsored by the NRA." OK, it wasn't worded exactly like that, but that's what we kept calling it because it emphasised "youth, shooting, and NRA." We weren't able to find it until the end. They had a bunch of venues where people were selling their art and some other stuff. There was some good stuff, but the shooting was the best part. Oviously it wasn't shooting youths, but designed to get the youth into shooting. It was pelet guns, shooting into a trailer that is basically a portable indoor shooting range. I won't bother describing it because if you don't know what an indoor shooting range looks like, go to one, rent a gun, and go shooting. It's really fun.
Tony's on I-75 is more than a restaurant, it's a destination. It has been on both food and travel channel many times. It's like many other restaurants with specialties and atmosphere, but the kicker is the portion size. You order eggs, hashbrowns, toast, and baccon, you will get 3 giant slises of toast, 3 eggs, a pound of hashbrowns, and a pound of baccon. You order a roast beef sandwhich, you are getting a mound of roast beef. You order icecream, you're getting a half gallon. They have giant portions. We went there becaue of the left overs you get. Get leftovers, put them in plastic bags, put them in the food cooler, and warm them up for a meal later. We got full breakfasts and lunches for our family of four out of those leftovers, and when camping, that's easy.
Now for some miscilaneous details. We're a group of maybe 7 families that have been doing this for 25 years. We started out huge, but slowly shrunk. Earlier I mentioned my godbroher and godsister. I just call them that because they are the children of my godfather. The lake had this dog beach put in where we would alwayse go to for the beach because we are almost alwayse in the same area each and every year, and we plan it like that. We prety much took over the dog beach. And teh lake water is really clear because of the zebra muscles. They are an invasive species and bad for the environment, but good for us tourists who want a clear lake. It's almost as clear as a pool of fresh tap water in a clean container. I have a book that I'm reading so I read there. I'll talk about it after I finish it. There's this ice cream store that's with in walking distance from the camp ground. It's good. I think that covers most everything. It was a fun weekend. Now if you'll excuse me, I needto go sandblast my feet. Only bringing crocks to a dusty sandy campground was a bad idea. Laters.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Evil Swagbucks
Hey everyone. I have some anger today. For a year or so now, I have been a member of the search and win site swagbucks. Basically you search the web using the web search engin and do other things to get free stuff. Under normal circumstancers, I would have a referal promote banner and have a referal link to every time I mention swagbucks. But I can't because I got suspended. Why was I suspended, I have no clue. I searched froobi, a site that has daily discounts and gives swagbucks rebates for purchases. I looked and it said I was logged out. I try to log in and it says "your account has been suspended. Possible reasons could be...." I know the rules, and I follow them. It gave me a link to an email for for counter suspention. I wrote a very long email siting all ways that could make me suspended and explained why I didn't do that.
This really makes me angry. I love swagbucks. They pay me to search the web. Sure they pay pennies, but here's a question to all you who have that mind set: How much does google pay to search? Answer: Nothing! I use swagbucks almost every day and have gathered some good stuff. I love the amazon gift cards. When I wrote the email, I should have mentioned bing rewards. I am a member of bing rewards, and while the reward catalog is limited and prizes on both websites tend to be cheaper on swagbucks, and it's easyer to get swagbucks then bing reaward credits, bing won't suspend you for doing something you didn't do.
I sure hope this gets cleared because I like them. Oh well, later.
This really makes me angry. I love swagbucks. They pay me to search the web. Sure they pay pennies, but here's a question to all you who have that mind set: How much does google pay to search? Answer: Nothing! I use swagbucks almost every day and have gathered some good stuff. I love the amazon gift cards. When I wrote the email, I should have mentioned bing rewards. I am a member of bing rewards, and while the reward catalog is limited and prizes on both websites tend to be cheaper on swagbucks, and it's easyer to get swagbucks then bing reaward credits, bing won't suspend you for doing something you didn't do.
I sure hope this gets cleared because I like them. Oh well, later.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
8 Movies in 2 days
Hey everyone. You know that rush you get when you find a coupon that expires today so you run out to the store to use it? Well I don't blame you. It's hard on the frugal and can leave you with a situation that's less than pleasant. Well yesterday was the last day to use the "free rentals for A's" at Family Video. Well being the good student I am, I got 5 free rentals, and my brother had 2 free rentals from his report card. For those of you who are bad at math, that's 7 rentals. And for those of you who are paying attention, that's one less than the title. The missing movie comes from watching one at the Movie Theater. Tuesdays are free popcorn days and I wrote this on a Tuesday.
Jeff Dunham Arguing with Myself
Green Hornet
True Grit
Inception
Wonder Woman
Ponyo
Social Network
Cars 2
Based on the linked titles for DVD you might be able to guess which ones were good and which were bad. For those lame-o's who don't follow me since I signed up for Amazon associates, I don't link to bad things, only good.
Jeff Dunham
was funny as usual. It was edgier than spark of insanity
. I prefer spark but both are incredibly funny.
Green Hornet
was incredibly funny. I was not expecting it to be so funny. It's a super hero movie but the writing was so awful, it was hilarious.
True Grit sucked. It was to slow and hard to follow. It could have been so better, but no.
was good but incredibly weird. If you don't pay attention, you will be lost.
Wonder Woman
was amazing. It was not only a great action DC super hero movie, but also a commentary on sexism and such.
was Miazaki. He's awesome and Disney did a great job with the dub. The only thing you can ever complain about with the Disney dub is that they use voice actors from their cartoons and you will sit there for half the movie wondering "where have I heard that voice before?"
The social network was the worst movie ever. I have no idea how it got an Oscar. I couldn't finish it because it was so boring and went absolutely no where.
Cars 2 was great. I loved the first one and this was way more. It involved so many more characters, and this time it focused on Mater instead of Lightning McQueen. But the 3d wasn't necessary. Some scenes looked good and pixar tried there best, but go see it in 2d and you won't miss anything.
Full reviews coming soon.
I wanted to return the DVDs at midnight, but wasn't and returned at about 10:30.
Jeff Dunham Arguing with Myself
Green Hornet
True Grit
Wonder Woman
Social Network
Cars 2
Based on the linked titles for DVD you might be able to guess which ones were good and which were bad. For those lame-o's who don't follow me since I signed up for Amazon associates, I don't link to bad things, only good.
Jeff Dunham
Green Hornet
True Grit sucked. It was to slow and hard to follow. It could have been so better, but no.
Wonder Woman
The social network was the worst movie ever. I have no idea how it got an Oscar. I couldn't finish it because it was so boring and went absolutely no where.
Cars 2 was great. I loved the first one and this was way more. It involved so many more characters, and this time it focused on Mater instead of Lightning McQueen. But the 3d wasn't necessary. Some scenes looked good and pixar tried there best, but go see it in 2d and you won't miss anything.
Full reviews coming soon.
I wanted to return the DVDs at midnight, but wasn't and returned at about 10:30.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My Texas vacation
The following blog has been brought to you by Swagbucks.
Swagbucks, bringing you free stuff just for searching. Help support me by clicking on the banner and referring under me. Please, let me continue to do what I love and refer under me.
Now that my ad support is done, time for the fun stuff, my Texas vacation blog.
Texas vacation day one
Hey everyone. Today marks day 1 of my Texas vacation with my Texas relatives. We flew on a plane and stuff. I had to empty my backpack of fun. I took all my hand helds out and narrowed it down to my dsixl, psp, and ds classic, and respective charges and games. But I neglected to fully charge them, so with the terminal outlet ports, I had my phone, dsixl, psp, and ds classic all charging on the same terminal. Dad jokingly said the lights dimmed as I plugged in. Here's a picture.
Well then my aunt came and picked us up at the air port once we arrived. We're staying at there house. They have a pool. And again I'm writing this on my dsixl and sending to my email. I might be able to get to a computer, but they're mac, and I refuse to use apple. Today was kind of boring, but it'll get better.
Texas day 2, water park
Hey there. Day 2 on my Texas vacation. Today we went to a water park called the Schlitterbahn, pronounced shlit-ter-bon. It gets the name from German. But first I need to talk about the ride here.
I think I mentioned in the last blog that my aunt is a PC to mac convert. If I didn't, she is. I'm a hardened anti-apple, and she is a pushy apple cult member. It was quite an interesting ride with our bickering. We're comparable to a hardened democrat and republican arguing over political issues. It's actually kind of funny. Here are some texts I sent to my best friend on the car ride up.
"My aunt was trying to convert my mom by saying crap about how 'steve jobs is an innovator.' I jump in yelling 'DON'T LISTEN MOM! OUR FRIEND IS BILL! OUR FRIEND IS BILL!'"
"My aunt and I are arguing over her iPhone. Just told her windows phone/android can do any of that. And told her windows can get xbox live and iPhone can't. i won. score one for Microsoft/google"
We're something. Now onto the stops.
Here is me with Bucky.
More impressive pics up on my myspace.
Now for water park. It's a nice place. I rode this river ride called "the Congo." It went all the way through the park. I got stuck in certain parts because of the poor current. More to come tomorrow.
Texas day 3
Hey world, day 3 in the lone star state and day 2 at the schlitterbahn. Before I get into my awesome day, let me say I'm quite close to quite literally telling my aunt to f*** off with the apple crap. If she doesn't, I will blow up and drop an f bomb every other word. Oh well, on to fun stuff.
Now there's the other part of the park that is focused on river rides. It's basically tubing down rivers but they're artificial rivers and artificial falls. There was this one called the Congo and it basically it basically crosses the entire park. I got stuck many times and had to get out to move. Fun time.
Unfortunately they didn't have the souvenir dip n dots cups this time. My family still uses that souvenir cup bowl thing. But at least I got 5 admission bands from this. I love admission bands. When I get back I'll take a picture.
Well that's it for now. Later.
Day 4, I think
I'm starting to lose track of the days as you can tell. Today wasn't very interesting. We came back from the water park. We packed up and I'm a lobster. I am burned like crazy. Wow I hurt. I applied aloe and it helps. On the car ride home I watched hellboy
and ghost rider
on my psp. I have them on umd and they're both good movies.
We unpacked and applied more aloe. I then watched TV until time to pick up the dog from the animal resort. And I'm not glorifying the kennel by any means. Even the most outspoken PETA advocate would approve of it. She has her own large room, with a door to an outside patio area, super well fed (she put on weight last time), and has this wide open space to run around once a day with all the other dogs. They also have these special rooms for old, fragile, or aggressive animals that has a TV and comfy bed. There is also this bird in the lobby that'll whistle and is fun to whistle back at. I think it likes me because of the "ohhh hotie" whistle it kept giving me after we whistled some. Darkenedoptimist look out.
from my counts day 5 I'm pretty sure
As you can tell by my title, I have almost forgotten what day of the trip it is. This time it isn't because of tiredness, it's because of fun. And man was today fun.
I wake up today afraid that my micro SD card for my phone is missing because of a dream I had where we were copying data off others in the family phone onto my card because I'm the only one that bought an SD card. We have done this before but unlike last time, we lost the card somehow in the dream. I wake up slightly panicked because I have data on that card and I saved up many swagbucks for it. I get my phone and it's in the slot on the phone where it should be. Dreams are weird like that.
After the main event we went to the salt lick. It was amazingly good. I had amazing brisket and ribs. So much meat. And since we did family style, it was all you can eat. I ate a lot. And for desert, I had a burnt end. It's the end of the brisket that is almost nothing but pure flavor. Here's a picture of me eating it and one in all it's glory.
The salt lick is one of the few places in America with an open pit, according to man vs food. I actually knew about the burnt end due to him. Here's a picture of the open pit.
probably day 6
OK this is the 3rd time I've tried to write this blog. Basically I went to church, played jenga, and played monopoly. They're Methodist and I'm catholic. I felt out of place. Then I played monopoly
, and lost. I would go on but I don't want to lose the signal again and have to start over. Bye.
AFTER THOUGH EDIT: I think because it was an apple wireless router or the airwaves were congested with icrap that's why I wasn't able to fully connect.
day 7 from my bad count
Day 7 I think. Today was a trip to walmart, Costco, and a really great barbecue place. It was also the day where I played the classic xbox in the futon room. My relatives have this room with a futon, a TV, a classic xbox, and the only VCR in there house. I typically will be only time that TV gets used. Poor TV, and poor dell sitting in there garage. Can't remember if I mentioned the sad dell, so here it is now.
OK, so now onto the trip things. I went to walmart with my mom, dad, and aunt. I looked at the electronics like normal. Then because I'm in Texas and on a vacation, I decided to get my girlfriend a souvenir. It's a snow globe with Texas stuff. I can tell you this even though she follows my blog. Why you might ask? Because I'll post this after I give it to her. I'll take a pic when I get home.
(Because it got confiscated by airport security, the picture will not happen)
So now onto Costco. I looked at the TVs and played with a samsung tablet. By my anti-apple opinion, it's a billion times better than the ipad. Stupid apple, just give up already. Oh, and another great thing was finding and buying Wallace and gromit the complete collection
. It has a grand day out, a close shave, the wrong trousers, and a matter of loaf and death. Haven't seen loaf and death, but have seen the others, and love them. Then there's the bonus features, which sound great.
I'm sure because I'm putting the blog together on my PC as we speak, day 8.
So today was the last day. We got packed up and went to the air port. Now for some security stories.
Last day I mentioned an amazing snow globe I got for my girlfriend. Well to save money my family packed in all Carey-ons because it's now $25 to check a bag. Well we didn't think about the snow globe being over liquid weight. Unfortunately they had to confiscate it. I got her a new one in the terminal, but it's not as awesome, so I won't do a picture.
We board, and take off. We're in the air, and something strange happens. The pilot comes out of the cockpit and goes to the bathroom at the back of the plain. Then after he returns, the copilot does the same. I know they're people with needs too, but I thought that after 9/11, they lock them in behind this door that won't open unless on the ground. I know I heard that somewhere, or something to that nature. It was just interesting.
Well now I'm home, with my PCs, and standard definition TV, and 10 gaming consoles, and 70-90 degree climate. Ahh it's good to be home.
"My aunt is a downgraded Microsoft to apple convert. She won't shut up about how good it is and is trying to convert us. Apple cult members are one reason I hate apple, and she doesn't realize that all the gloating just puts more nails in the coffin. Just a few minutes ago in the car aunt was talking to mom about the 'awesomeness' and how 'steve jobs is an innovator.' I jump in and yell 'don't listen. Our friend is bill! Our friend is bill!'"
Swagbucks, bringing you free stuff just for searching. Help support me by clicking on the banner and referring under me. Please, let me continue to do what I love and refer under me.
Now that my ad support is done, time for the fun stuff, my Texas vacation blog.
Texas vacation day one
Hey everyone. Today marks day 1 of my Texas vacation with my Texas relatives. We flew on a plane and stuff. I had to empty my backpack of fun. I took all my hand helds out and narrowed it down to my dsixl, psp, and ds classic, and respective charges and games. But I neglected to fully charge them, so with the terminal outlet ports, I had my phone, dsixl, psp, and ds classic all charging on the same terminal. Dad jokingly said the lights dimmed as I plugged in. Here's a picture.
Texas day 2, water park
Hey there. Day 2 on my Texas vacation. Today we went to a water park called the Schlitterbahn, pronounced shlit-ter-bon. It gets the name from German. But first I need to talk about the ride here.
I think I mentioned in the last blog that my aunt is a PC to mac convert. If I didn't, she is. I'm a hardened anti-apple, and she is a pushy apple cult member. It was quite an interesting ride with our bickering. We're comparable to a hardened democrat and republican arguing over political issues. It's actually kind of funny. Here are some texts I sent to my best friend on the car ride up.
"My aunt was trying to convert my mom by saying crap about how 'steve jobs is an innovator.' I jump in yelling 'DON'T LISTEN MOM! OUR FRIEND IS BILL! OUR FRIEND IS BILL!'"
"My aunt and I are arguing over her iPhone. Just told her windows phone/android can do any of that. And told her windows can get xbox live and iPhone can't. i won. score one for Microsoft/google"
We're something. Now onto the stops.
We went to this gas station called Buc-ees. For those of you who never went to one, you have missed out. It has incredibly nice bathrooms on any level. Millionaire estates are probably the only cleaner bathrooms on the market. I would show pictures, but not sure if bathroom pics are legal. They have this impressive food counter. That I can take a picture of. Here it is.
Then there was the wide selection of jerky. Here you go.
Here is me with Bucky.
More impressive pics up on my myspace.
Now for water park. It's a nice place. I rode this river ride called "the Congo." It went all the way through the park. I got stuck in certain parts because of the poor current. More to come tomorrow.
Texas day 3
Hey world, day 3 in the lone star state and day 2 at the schlitterbahn. Before I get into my awesome day, let me say I'm quite close to quite literally telling my aunt to f*** off with the apple crap. If she doesn't, I will blow up and drop an f bomb every other word. Oh well, on to fun stuff.
There's this racing slide that if done properly, you will go flying. It's fun getting air. There's this tower with 3 different slides. One that is a coaster like ride, one is a big family raft slide, and one that is a lone tube. The coaster was really fun, and so were the others. Then there was this lazy river that isn't lazy at all, and by that I mean it moves really fast, and has this wave that travels the whole river. It's called the torrent river, and I made a joke about "so where's my free copyrighted material." Torrent joke, lol. Then there was this artificial surfing wave. I'm not great by any means, but I'm novice level probably. I don't just go in and fall out. I will go in and do some belly gliding. I tried to do some tricks, but wiped out. Once almost losing my trunks. Then there's this lazy river that has it's entrance powered by the water from the wave. It's hard to describe, so I'll jut say it's awesome.
Unfortunately they didn't have the souvenir dip n dots cups this time. My family still uses that souvenir cup bowl thing. But at least I got 5 admission bands from this. I love admission bands. When I get back I'll take a picture.
Well that's it for now. Later.
Day 4, I think
I'm starting to lose track of the days as you can tell. Today wasn't very interesting. We came back from the water park. We packed up and I'm a lobster. I am burned like crazy. Wow I hurt. I applied aloe and it helps. On the car ride home I watched hellboy
We unpacked and applied more aloe. I then watched TV until time to pick up the dog from the animal resort. And I'm not glorifying the kennel by any means. Even the most outspoken PETA advocate would approve of it. She has her own large room, with a door to an outside patio area, super well fed (she put on weight last time), and has this wide open space to run around once a day with all the other dogs. They also have these special rooms for old, fragile, or aggressive animals that has a TV and comfy bed. There is also this bird in the lobby that'll whistle and is fun to whistle back at. I think it likes me because of the "ohhh hotie" whistle it kept giving me after we whistled some. Darkenedoptimist look out.
And now for the play by play of the format war between my aunt and I. She is weak in her apple attack after my iron clad defence. But I owe some of my power to the spirit lifting articles about why apple sucks. I need my Microsoft fix after being in this house of apple, and searching why apple sucks on Bing using my Nintendo dsi browser really helped. Thanks mac-sucks.com for the spirit lifter. My aunt I think doesn't realize that all she does on her icrap she can do just as easily, and I believe better, on a PC or android. She makes these photo slide shows on her mac and says she can make a DVD or put on YouTube. But what she does she could easily do with Microsoft photo story, and photo story is a free download. She also gloats about the GPS locator and netflix on her iPhone and you can easily do that with an android smart phone. I've made it a point to point that out. Maybe I should be nicer, but her time has come. I'm winning. Later.
As you can tell by my title, I have almost forgotten what day of the trip it is. This time it isn't because of tiredness, it's because of fun. And man was today fun.
I wake up today afraid that my micro SD card for my phone is missing because of a dream I had where we were copying data off others in the family phone onto my card because I'm the only one that bought an SD card. We have done this before but unlike last time, we lost the card somehow in the dream. I wake up slightly panicked because I have data on that card and I saved up many swagbucks for it. I get my phone and it's in the slot on the phone where it should be. Dreams are weird like that.
Well today we went to the Main Event Fun Place and The Salt Lick Barbecue, the place was on man vs food. The main event is comparable to Dave and Busters or CJ Barrymore's. It has arcade games that use game cards that store money and ticket credit things. But not only that, but also billiards (didn't say pool to prevent confusion), bowling, mini golf, rock climbing, and laser tag. They had this promotion going on where for $15, I could have unlimited rock climbing, mini golf, laser tag, billiards, and bowling (but I'd have needed to pay to rent shoes, so didn't do that.) I had fun rock climbing, even though I'm kind of weak in the upper body strength. I got up to the top about 4 times, and maybe halfway up the other times. I played mini golf twice, the first time being serious with scoring 8 over par, and the second time just being a goof off round (mainly because I was pressed for time second round). Billiards was good, even though I just played myself. Laser tag was really fun. This one was different then other types I've played. For starters we had limited rounds and lives. Once we ran out of either, we had to go back to home base and and get more. It got annoying, but added strategy to the game. And speaking of home base, we were on teams and had to shoot at the opponents base.I got highest score in base tagging on my team and 3rd in that overall. I got 2nd on my team and 4rt all together. There were 28 people all together and 14 people on a team. That's pretty good, even if I kind of camped. It was a multi-level play area, and no one was on the second level, and easy to shoot at the base target. Then shoot those that did the same from the first floor. Hurray for camping.
After the main event we went to the salt lick. It was amazingly good. I had amazing brisket and ribs. So much meat. And since we did family style, it was all you can eat. I ate a lot. And for desert, I had a burnt end. It's the end of the brisket that is almost nothing but pure flavor. Here's a picture of me eating it and one in all it's glory.
The salt lick is one of the few places in America with an open pit, according to man vs food. I actually knew about the burnt end due to him. Here's a picture of the open pit.
It's amazing. If you're ever in Austin Texas and love barbecue, I highly recommend the salt lick. And if you're bold enough, ask for a burnt end neer the end of you're meal. Best taste sensation ever.
Well that's it for today. According to my parents there isn't much of a plan for the next few days. Expect some apple arguments. Later. probably day 6
OK this is the 3rd time I've tried to write this blog. Basically I went to church, played jenga, and played monopoly. They're Methodist and I'm catholic. I felt out of place. Then I played monopoly
AFTER THOUGH EDIT: I think because it was an apple wireless router or the airwaves were congested with icrap that's why I wasn't able to fully connect.
day 7 from my bad count
Day 7 I think. Today was a trip to walmart, Costco, and a really great barbecue place. It was also the day where I played the classic xbox in the futon room. My relatives have this room with a futon, a TV, a classic xbox, and the only VCR in there house. I typically will be only time that TV gets used. Poor TV, and poor dell sitting in there garage. Can't remember if I mentioned the sad dell, so here it is now.
OK, so now onto the trip things. I went to walmart with my mom, dad, and aunt. I looked at the electronics like normal. Then because I'm in Texas and on a vacation, I decided to get my girlfriend a souvenir. It's a snow globe with Texas stuff. I can tell you this even though she follows my blog. Why you might ask? Because I'll post this after I give it to her. I'll take a pic when I get home.
(Because it got confiscated by airport security, the picture will not happen)
So now onto Costco. I looked at the TVs and played with a samsung tablet. By my anti-apple opinion, it's a billion times better than the ipad. Stupid apple, just give up already. Oh, and another great thing was finding and buying Wallace and gromit the complete collection
After a while at home, we went to whataburger for lunch. It was a while at there house. I took a picture of me in front of it. Here's the picture.
We don't have them at home, so it was really cool. They are really good tasting. I then played oddworld, Munch's Odyssey
on the classic xbox in the futon room. I love that game and wish it was compatible with 360 so I could get a copy. Damn it's such a great game.
Well after hours of oddworld, we went to dinner at this amazing barbecue place. I had the ribs, and with that comes unlimited rolls, pickles, and other sides. So good. Oh man, to think the vacation is almost over. Well I better charge so I can be ready for the plane ride home. Late
I'm sure because I'm putting the blog together on my PC as we speak, day 8.
So today was the last day. We got packed up and went to the air port. Now for some security stories.
You know how I have a giant key chain? Well I know I've mentioned it and it has been in some videos. Well I needed to take it off for security, for obvious metal reasons. Then I had to take off my belt because of the buckle. I'm doing this while in line waiting to go to the checkpoint. In this, I have my id in my mouth all ready to hand to the security guy that was checking ids and boarding passes. I get ready to hand him my id and he says "just put that down here," pointing to a spot on his podium that is under his black light. I never knew that if you hold your drivers licence under a black light that circles will show up. Seeing that he wasn't wearing gloves, I don't blame him.
Last day I mentioned an amazing snow globe I got for my girlfriend. Well to save money my family packed in all Carey-ons because it's now $25 to check a bag. Well we didn't think about the snow globe being over liquid weight. Unfortunately they had to confiscate it. I got her a new one in the terminal, but it's not as awesome, so I won't do a picture.
We board, and take off. We're in the air, and something strange happens. The pilot comes out of the cockpit and goes to the bathroom at the back of the plain. Then after he returns, the copilot does the same. I know they're people with needs too, but I thought that after 9/11, they lock them in behind this door that won't open unless on the ground. I know I heard that somewhere, or something to that nature. It was just interesting.
Miscellaneous Texts that I saved
I sent these texts to my friend. Some are up in the blog, but others aren't."I am super giddy. After the constant nonstop apple throwing at my steel wall PC faith, she was starting to oxidize the wall, but then I found this site using my ds browser, and Microsoft Bing, and found this amazing site called mac-sucks.com and now I'm titanium re enforced."
"My aunt and I are arguing over her iPhone. Just told her an android or windows phone can do that. And that windows can get xbox live and her iPhone can't. I won. Score one for google/windows.""My aunt is a downgraded Microsoft to apple convert. She won't shut up about how good it is and is trying to convert us. Apple cult members are one reason I hate apple, and she doesn't realize that all the gloating just puts more nails in the coffin. Just a few minutes ago in the car aunt was talking to mom about the 'awesomeness' and how 'steve jobs is an innovator.' I jump in and yell 'don't listen. Our friend is bill! Our friend is bill!'"
This was a funny thing another PC friend told me. If apple Friends ever say how awesome apple is and ask what can PC do that mac can't, just say "Right click."
apple sucks,
burnt end,
dip n dots,
lazer tag,
mini golf,
rock climbing,
salt lick,
sun burn,
The Main Event,
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